Showing 101 - 116 of 116 Results
Refining American Strategy in Africa by Army War Coll Strategic Stu... ISBN: 9781423527626 List Price: $27.95
American Strategy Issues and Alternatives for the Quadrennial Defense Review by Army War Coll Strategic Stu... ISBN: 9781423533061 List Price: $34.95
Armed Conflict in the 21st Century : The Information Revolution and Post-Modern Warfare by Army War Coll Strategic Stu... ISBN: 9781423534631 List Price: $34.95
Revising the Two MTW Force Shaping Paradigm. A Strategic Alternatives Report from the Strate... by Army War Coll Strategic Stu... ISBN: 9781423530954 List Price: $40.95
United States and the Transformation of African Security : The African Crisis Response Initi... by Army War Coll Strategic Stu... ISBN: 9781423566878 List Price: $30.95
Armies and Democracy in the New Africa : Lessons from Nigeria and South Africa by Army War Coll Strategic Stu... ISBN: 9781423573227 List Price: $30.95
Decisionmaking in Operation Iraqi Freedom : The Strategic Shift Of 2007 by Metz, Steven ISBN: 9781452859637 List Price: $9.95
All Things Dark and Dastardly by Metze, Steven E., George, K... ISBN: 9780984657803 List Price: $9.95
Learning From Iraq: Counterinsurgency in American Strategy by Steven Metz Metz ISBN: 9781495211942 List Price: $13.95
Jackdaw : A Phantasmagoria by Metz, Jerred, Chapp, Steven ISBN: 9780933439221 List Price: $30.00
Exotic Tails by Metz, Steven ISBN: 9781935922438
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